Saturday, February 12, 2011

YISCOM Update 4: Sormus (July-August)

July 1st: I have began overseeing the project.

Bases: WEST PHILLY, Eurhole

Total Objects: 74
Total Units: 8
Available Objects: 80
Human/Pers Armor: 2
Human/Power Armor: 5
Tank: 1

July 1st 16:35: First Combat against guys wearing red robes.
Wait where the fuck did that tank go. MY HOVERCRAFT IS FULL OF EELS.
Human/Pers Armor: 2, Dead: 1, Missing: 1
Human/Power Armor: 5, Wounded: 2, Stunned: 1
Tank: 1, Dead: 1
Ethereal: 5, Dead: 4, Wounded: 1, Stunned: 1

July 3rd: More combat, this time against guys wearing green spandex.
Human/Power Armor: 6
Muton: 5, Dead: 5

July 3rd 10:10: Terror zone! More Combat. this time against pink guys, they have brought out their dogs to play
Human/Pers Armor: 4, Dead: 1
Human/Power Armor: 6, Dead: 2, Wounded: 1
Floater: 10, Dead: 9, Stunned: 1
Reaper: 7, Dead: 4, Wounded: 1, Stunned: 2
Civilian Male: 9, Dead: 5

July 4th: Back-up Interceptor arrives at WEST PHILLY.
July 6th: Psi-lab research done.
July 13th: MORE MUTONS
Human/Pers Armor: 3, Dead: 1, Wounded: 1
Human/Power Armor: 3, Wounded: 2
Muton: 8, Dead: 8

July 23rd: Hyper-wave decoder done
Human/Pers Armor: 2, Dead: 1
Human/Power Armor: 8, Dead: 1
Muton: 8, Dead: 8

July 27th: WEST PHILLY Interceptor destroyed :((

*End of July*
Rating 511
+131 000
Australia unhappy, Canada cedes from union.
Total Objects: 101
Total Units: 8
Available Objects: 9

Human/Pers Armor: 1
Human/Power Armor: 7

Human/Pers Armor: 1
Human/Power Armor: 7
Sectoid: 5, Dead: 5


Human/Pers Armor: 1, Dead: 1
Human/Power Armor: 7, Dead: 5, Wounded: 2
Floater: 15, Dead: 13, Stunned: 2

*End of August*
Completed research during turn includes but is not limited to: Fusion missiles, Fusion ball defence, Examination room, Psi-Amp, Psi-Lab
*Forgot to take end-of-month picture, but it wasn't that good*

Heroes of the New World:
Rookie Yataka Noguchi
Squaddie S Fujimoto
Rookie Bernard Lefevre
Sergeant John Taylor
Rookie Dwight Bryant
Rookie Claude Gressier
Squaddie Patrick Stewart
Squaddie Oscar Thompson
Squaddie Samuel Thompson
Squaddie Emile Gautier
Squaddie Dwight Kemp
Squaddie Spencer King
An Unknown Soldier

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

YISCOM Update 3: Evoq (May-June)

Mind Control, Alien Grenade, UFO Construction, New Fighter, New Fighter-Transporter, Ultimate Craft (Lightning), Sectoid Navigator, Muton Navigator, Muton Engineer

Laser Cannons for profit, Flying Armor (7)

10 scientists in early May, 3 replacement soldiers mid May, 1 replacement soldier late May

Encounters of note:
6 Mutons on a small crashed UFO in early May
Very Large UFO over Mexico destroyed West Philly base interceptor

End of May:
USA & UK – Good
Canada & Nigeria – Poor (Snakeman base in Nigeria, don’t know what the fuck is with Canada)

Hyper Wave Decoder, Blaster Launcher, Blaster Bomb, Grav Shield

Stun Bombs, Plasma Hovertank, Workshop construction initiated 17 June, Hyper-Wave Decoder construction initiated late June, Laser Cannons for profit, Flying Armor (1 complete, 2 more ordered)

10 replacement soldiers early June, 10 engineers mid June, 10 scientists mid June, 1 replacement soldier late June

Encounters of note:
Large UFO over Canada destroyed West Philly base interceptor… again…
Floater Engineer recovered alive

End of June:
UK, France, Italy, Japan, Egypt – good
US - Gone

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

YISCOM Update 2: Strabo (March-April)

March 1, 1999: My first task as acting director was to build a new base in a region that sorely needed protection, Asia. Construction has begun on a new base in Turkey, who offered very cheap rates on labor and materiel.

March 7, 1999: A large UFO was detected over the mid-west and an Interceptor was dispatched, but the UFO outran the pilot over the pacific. Research has begun on heavy plasma.

March 15, 1999: We understand now how the heavy plasma gun operates, but the methods of storing the ammunition are still beyond us. Research is beginning to rectify this issue.

March 21, 1999: The heavy plasma gun is fully ready for use in the field, and the soldiers are being briefed on its use. The scientists' director, Lionel, plans to develop stronger armor and to further explore the possibilities of laser weapons.

March 27, 1999: Lionel's team has developed powered armor, a much-needed improvement over our previous armor which was mediocre at best and could barely hope to stop a plasma bolt.

March 30, 1999: Baghdad is under attack! Mr. Hussein called minutes ago to inform us and the base is a hive of activity. I can hear the skyranger's turbines warming up, they must be leaving shortly.

Baghdad, 11:06: In their haste, the rookies Barbara and Austin forgot their rifles on base. Luckily they still have their C4 charges, so they aren't entirely useless. The team takes losses to friendly fire, but comes out victorious in the end.

April 1, 1999: Small UFO over Texas, shot down over Mexico. Mission completed successfully with acceptable losses.

April 4, 1999: Finished interrogating sectoid engineer, has provided info on their large scout ship. Team has been assigned to discovering how the UFOs navigate.

April 7, 1999: Lionel has discovered the heavy laser gun, is now working on developing a craft-sized version of the weapon.

April 9, 1999: Large UFO appears in the midwest, loses pursuing interceptor over the Pacific.

April 10+: An explosion in the lab destroyed a large amount of equipment, including these logs. Events have been recreated as well as possible from memory.

Research: Lionel's teams developed a set of light personal armor, a heavy powered armor, and a flying version of the power armor. The flying suit is as of yet untested in the field, but powered armor has proved successful. Lionel was also able to reverse-engineer the alien's stun bomb launchers, but the weapon also remains untested in the field. He was also able to develop a craft-sized plasma beam, which deals massive damage to a great range.

Combat: Two UFOs were shot down over America, and two more over Mexico. One mission proved troublesome, a snakeman medium scout that was stuffed to the brim with the bastards. They managed to throw a grenade at the foot of the landing ramp moments after landing and we lost 6 soldiers in the blast.

Summary: Overall, the last two months went over well. I think Evoq is setup pretty dang well, especially with the Eurasia base all setup with radar.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

YISCOM Update 1: Fancington (Jan-Feb)

YIS XCOM (Genius Difficulty):

Our team is obvious born and raised in West Philly and has established their secret base beneath the tomb of Benjamin Franklin.  Thanks to the fancy updated Xcom program from Strabo, our bases are much more defensible with a single chokepoint, and had alien containment and a decent staffing of personnel.

*First UFO - early Jan:
Very Small.  Outran my intercepter

*First UFO - early Jan:
Shot down one of the square shaped sectoid UFOs in farm land.  Easy day, no casualties.

*Second UFO - mid Jan:
*Shot down one of the plus shaped sectioid UFOs.  Captured some live aliens and took minimal casualties.  This is easy and we got good shit to research now.

*First Terror mission, early Feb - Casablanca
Floaters.  Lost 4 guys, partially because rookies love shooting their buddies at point blank range in the head when shooting at floaters.

*Second Terror mission late Feb - Bombay
I definitely feared I'd get this before my turn was up.  Sectoids with their fucking psionics and cyberdisks.  One of my guys got mind controlled and killed two others.  I put his ass down.  5 fucking cyberdisks too.  At the end I had a single girl left with 3 critical wounds and 2 hitpoints left.  Jesus.  LOL 11 points from the whole damn thing.

Summary:  I think despite the massive casualties this is a good start.  India is a little pissy but it's because we have no coverage over there.  With decent plasma and initial armor tech, 1.8M in the bank, and decent staffing, I think Strabo is set up for success.